Av Lucas Elias Kumato, 257
Sommerschield 1 - MAPUTO
Tel +258 828433218
Via per Pollone, 64
13900 - BIELLA (BI)
Tel + 39 015 2596211
Fax +39 015 2593197
C.F/P.IVA IT01775250028
The Jatropha curcas is an oil-bearing perennial shrub indigenous to Central America and now it’s also found in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa and Asia.
The Jatropha is a very hardy plant which can grow in dry and marginal arid areas, unsuitable for other crops: it bears long dry weather periods and requires low rainfall to survive. Its cultivation does not occupy arable land or consume drinking water and it protects the soil and prevents phenomenon of desertification. Because of the moderate toxicity of its seeds, Jatropha fruits are not edible so its products don’t compete with food raw materials.
The seeds of the Jatropha curcas fruit yield a high percentage of vegetable oil which can be put to multi-purpose uses in energy.
It may be used crude, as combustion for:
• Boilers
• Energy generators
• Cogenerators
After filtration, it may be used as biodiesel for:
• Road transport
• Air transport (press cake and flours) may be used for:
The residues from the pressing della spremitura (pannello e farine) è possibile ottenere:
• Biomass for further energy
• Soil fertilizer
• Medical purposes
The cultivation of Jatropha curcas is an important opportunity for developing countries to create employment, exploit the rural contexts, guarantee environmental benefits and provide these countries with the necessary know-how for self-governing development in the future.
AVIA Spa - Via per Pollone, 64 - 13900 - BIELLA (BI) Italy - Tel + 39 015 2596211 - Fax +39 015 2593197 - C.F/P.IVA IT01775250028